Related Projects

Python Optimization Tools

  • APLEpy: A Python modeling tool for linear and mixed-integer linear programs.
  • Pyomo: Pyomo is a collection of Python optimization-related packages that supports a diverse set of optimization capabilities for formulating and analyzing optimization models.
  • CVExp: Expression Tree Builder and Translator based on a Controlled Vocabulary
  • CVXOPT (license: GPL3), a tool for convex optimization which defines its own matrix-like object and interfaces to FFTW, BLAS, and LAPACK.
  • cvxpy A Python package for modeling convex optimization problems
  • DEAP: Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python]
  • ECsPy: Evolutionary Computations in Python
  • Mystic: An optimization framework focused on continuous optimization.
  • NLopt: A Python interface to optimization solvers]
  • NLPy: A Python optimization framework that leverages AMPL to create problem instances, which can then be processed in Python
  • OpenMDAO: An open-source Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) framework.
  • OpenOpt: A numerical optimization framework with some own solvers and connections to lots of others.
  • PICOS: A user friendly interface to several conic and integer programming solvers.
  • PuLP: A Python package that can be used to describe linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming optimization problems
  • pycosat Python bindings for the PicoSAT solver.
  • PyCpx Python wrapper for the Cplex optimization suite
  • PyGLPK: A Python interface to the GLPK LP/MIP solver
  • Pyiopt: A Python interface to the COIN-OR Ipopt solver
  • PyLinpro: A pure simplex tableau solver for linear programming
  • PyLPSolve: Python wrapper for the lpsolve optimizer
  • PyMathProg: A Python reincarnation of GNU MathProg modeling language, implemented in pure Python.
  • PyOpt: A Python framework with direct hooks to C/Fortan optimizers.
  • pyosi: Provides a Python interface to COIN-OR's Open Solver Interface, aka OSI.
  • python-zibopt: A Python interface to SCIP
  • scikits.optimization is a generic optimization framework entirely written in Python
  • yaposib: A more Pythonic interface to COIN-OR'S Open Solver Interface.
  • NumberJack: A framework for constraint programming

Packages that Include Python Bindings

  • CasADi: CasADi modeling framework
  • CPLEX: MILP/LP/QP solvers
  • MPL: MPL modeling language

Optimization Software Projects

  • Coin Bazaar: A COIN-OR project that hosts Coopr plugins